Cancelation Policy

You can cancel orders, but cancellation fees may apply.

For food-related orders, you'll be charged an amount depending on the following factors:.
(1) If the store has already accepted and started to prepare your order, you'll be charged the price of the products.
(2) If a courier has already been assigned to your order, you'll be charged a cancellation fee.
(3) If the store has already accepted and started to prepare your order and a courier has been assigned to deliver it, you'll be charged the price of the products and a cancellation fee.
(4) If the courier reaches the delivery area and finalises the order, you'll be charged the price of the products and the delivery fee. Please bear in mind that food-related orders cannot be returned.

For non-food-related orders, you can cancel an order free of charge, up until a courier accepts your request. However, if you cancel after a courier has been assigned to your order, you'll be charged the total cost of the basic delivery service. If a courier has already picked up the order or is couriering at the time of cancellation, you can ask the courier if it's possible to return the product. If this happens, you'll still have to pay the full price of the products and delivery fee, as well as the cost of the return service. If the courier is able to return the product, the value of the product will be refunded back to you. To clarify, you'll be charged for the total cost of the delivery service, including the cost of the product, the delivery fee, and the return service.